Unable (so far) to Echo Show connect Hikvision NVR [SOLVED]
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I have a single Hikvision camera working with Monocle and I’m sure there are a number of users who are using Hikvision products with Monocle. However, you say that using the Monocle Gateway is a “non-starter” — well I’m afraid that is only a problem that will continue to get worse. Amazon has changed their devices (especially all newer Alexa devices) to only connect to endpoints using valid/real domain names and valid SSL certificates. The Monocle Gateway handles these requirements for users who which to maintain all camera streaming privately inside their network. You could get away without the need for the gateway if you register a public DNS hostname that points to your NVR and you have the ability to setup a valid/real SSL certificate for that hostname on the NVR. (I know some Hikvision products can support this) . Oh and one more gotcha, Amazon Alexa will only connect on port 443, so the secure (SSL) connection to the NVR must be on port 443.
Thanks, Robert
Great info here…was able to get my Hikvision NVR (DS-7604NI 4P 4T) connected and working through Alexa/Echo-Show. Many setting configuration changes, but can confirm that following is RTSP URL. RTSP://<NVR IP Adress>:<554>/Streaming/Channels/101 (for camera 1) and same with 201 for camera 2. I used Monocle and there is a warning that having special characters in your Admin/Password may cause problems - and it DID. I deleted a # out of the password and it connected right away. Had to downloand and use VLC Media Player to confirm RSTP URL, but once that was verified, it was a simple fix. Thanks for all the help. Also found this site very helpful (Monocle has a note in their FAQ on this topic that led me to this site) - https://www.use-ip.co.uk/forum/threads/hikvision-rtsp-stream-urls.890/ There’s tons of info there, too! Thanks again (yes, that’s the 3rd thank you!!!).
Hi there,
I have unbranded Hikvision Cameras that are connected to a NVR with built in POE I have tried using the rtsp url on VLC and confirmed it works. However when I try to add that URL to monocle and ask Alexa to show me the camera, Alexa says that the camera isn’t responding. Any thoughts?
@cbellissimo The camera manufacturer only matters to the extent that they can transmit the right format. The RTSP address is tied to your NVR…so you first need to figure out what “brand” your NVR is. I called the company I bought mine from (A1Security) and they verified the model/manufacturer using the serial number I supplied from the bottom of the NVR.
Sorry I am not sure I am following . Do I have to enter the correct Hikvision Model number on monocle to ensure connection to Alexa?
@BZMigs My NVR is equivalent to DS-7616NI-Q2/16 The Cameras I am equivalent to is DS-2CD2343G0-I
the URL is set to RTSP://
I have also tried 102
It doesnt seem to be working. Is there anything else I am missing?Here is a picture of my settings
@cbellissimo Your picture didn’t come through. Can you verify that the IP address ( is for your NVR? Go to: Menu>>Configuration>>Network. Your NVR IP address is shown next to IPVX address. Make sure you are not using the camera’s IP address. (which are found at Menu>>Camera). Make sure your password for your cameras do not include any special characters, like #&*% etc.
I am using the NVR IP address. the RTSP port is 554.
Let me know if this helps:
“timestamp”: “2020-03-31T18:14:47.537Z”,
“request”: “InitializeCameraStreams”,
“response”: [
“uri”: “rtsp://%USER%:%PWD%@”,
“proxy”: “rtsp://proxy.monoclecam.com:443/c043843f-c38b-4cc4-afb3-ddadd850d093”,
“idleTimeoutSeconds”: “30”,
“resolution”: {
“width”: “2688”,
“height”: “1520”
“authorizationType”: “DIGEST”,
“videoCodec”: “H264”,
“audioCodec”: “AAC”,
“protocol”: “RTSP”
] -
@cbellissimo This is what my settings look like:
@BZMigs and:
@BZMigs Hi. I had a similar problem and solved it by using a different port (64001 for camera 1, 64002 for camera 2, etc). See post of 13-March-2019. You may have already tried this, but I wanted to make sure you saw this, since it was way up the thread.
I did try it but last time I tried the model was different in my settings. I will try it again. Does it matter what Model is mentioned when adding a camera?
@gargary Yes, your info helped me! I read the entire thread and your guidance was critical for me. I’m up and running now. For @cbellissimo, the port number for your NVR can be found at: Menu>>Configuration>>Network>>NAT tab. It will show you the RTSP port for your NVR.
my RTSP port is 554. I am aware of all my settings. I just dont understand what I am missing. I have entered everything based on information from this site.
@cbellissimo The camera model “might” matter. I say this because with most of my testing, I had the camera manufacturer (which in my case is Oculur) in the manufacturer box. I switched it over to Hikvision part way through my testing just to eliminate that as a possible concern. I couldn’t find any RTSP URL for Oculur camera’s, so I switched to camera manufacturer = same as NVR manufacturer. I’m not sure if that had an impact or not, since I had other things wrong, also. (which turned out to my camera password had a # in it. Once I eliminated that #, it worked immediately). There is a note in the MONOCLECAM software that says to remove special symbols from the passwords.
@cbellissimo does your Echo-Show list your cameras under the smart-home tab? Or do you have a tablet with the Alexa ap that is on the same network as your Echo-Show? When you ask Alexa to, "show me the <<<front door>>> camera, does she say, “OK” and then pause for a minute or two? Or does she say, “there’s something wrong with that camera” almost immediately?
@cbellissimo FYI, I recall my RTSP port is 554 as well, and that’s the port that works on VLC. But to get everything working with Monocle, I had to enter a different port number in the Monocle settings. As I recall, I found this 64001 port by poking around within the NVR software settings to see how the NVR is communicating with the cameras. Maybe it was a quirk of my model/set-up, but my guess is all the models of that vintage are similar.
Its funny you say that. When I ask to show me the camera she says ok. After 10-15 seconds of the screen flickering like its trying to load the URL, it says hmm, the camera isnt responding. -
@cbellissimo when you enabled the app on alexa, does it show the “smart-home devices” like your cameras? Do you have Whatsap? my phone is +1 501 625 6800. May be easier than texting this back and forth.
Yes it show the cameras on alexa but I get that hmm cameras not responding. I tried to add you to WhatsApp but that says you dont have whatsapp.