JPT3185 Tenvis IP camera
It says error occured while receiving http response
now it says connection closed unexpectedly im entering
For me to be of any help - you have to pretend I’m not sitting there next to you.
What says error occurred? Did you install ODM? How do you know the IP address? where did you get the RTSP string from?
does the manufacturers app work with it?
Are you on a Windows machine?According to the manufacturers website - this unit can be accessed via a PC browser - so it seems you should be able to get this going as an HTTP request not an RTSP stream. We will have to take it slow and work through the steps to ensure I understand what you are doing so I can visualize it. I’m happy to work with you a little but given the fact your looking for help in this forum, it implies you already have some good network understanding.
So - take it slow, give me (us - who ever else might be watching) more to work with and I promise to give an effort. -
ODM says an error occurred when I type in the IP address and I know the IP address since I can use it to access the camera in a web browser. The RTSP thing was from
also i can also acsess the camera from http://admin:5XPK7TDd@ is that what you mean by http request
YEs. exactly. so you CAN see the camera from a browser?
What exactly are we trying to accomplish? You need the RTSP stream for something? -
You are looking for the RTSP string to run MonocleCam?
Try ODM again but make sure you enter ‘admin’ and ‘5XPK7TDd’ for the password as well - that might work but not all cameras are onvif capable. it is possible it won’t work- this is a super low cost camera ($39) -
@jshimota how do i enter the password and username?
Also is there another skill that is compatible with echo show 8 that can use the http? for camera?
it says