Show5 and Amcrest AD410
Setup gateway and cant get this to work.
VLC works fine so i know user/pass is good.Tried @tunnel which give the below.
Tried @proxy, tried noaudo and ntpnow.
DNS resolves correctly.INITIALIZE RTSP STREAM: Doorbell ------------------------------------------------- - NAME : Doorbell - CAMERA.MFG : Amcrest - CAMERA.MODEL : 440 - CAMERA.LABEL : PRIMARY - RTSP.URL : rtsp:// - STREAM.ID : STREAM:c957ec1b-dd6f-4253-815c-7db2c660a67a - SESSION.ID : ad6f4ea9-9fb1-43e6-a637-569f3a8a51a0 - LAST.MODIFIED : Sun Jul 16 2023 12:47:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) - TAGS : @tunnel ------------------------------------------------- ATTENTION -> Next you should see log statements showing your camera establishing an inbound connection to this gateway instance via: -> DNS URL: rtsp:// -> This DNS host address should resolve to: on your network. NOTE: If you don't receive any inbound connection log statements, please see: 2023-07-16T12:54:15.259Z [WARN] [ <2-_l41I0Y>] RTSP ENDPOINT AUTHENTICATION ATTEMPTS FAILED; CLOSING CONNECTION
hundreds of those them.
2023-07-16T12:54:15.260Z [ERROR] Uncaught Exception Maximum call stack size exceeded [ 'Uncaught Exception', 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' ] 2023-07-16T12:54:15.260Z [ERROR] RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded [ RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at console.value (node:internal/console/constructor:293:13) at console.warn (node:internal/console/constructor:368:26) at warn (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/Debug.js:1:391) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:5967) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) at RtspProxyEndpoint.processResponse (/snapshot/workspace/lib/monocle/proxy/RtspProxyEndpoint.js:1:6342) ] 2023-07-16T12:54:32.754Z [DEBUG] [ <2-_l41I0Y>] [CLIENT REQUEST] --> [TEARDOWN] rtsp:// 2023-07-16T12:54:32.754Z [TRACE] [ <2-_l41I0Y>] [CLIENT REQUEST] --> [HEADERS] { "session": "", "user-agent": "Fire OS/6.0 stagefright/1.2 (Linux;Android 7.1.2)", "cseq": "2" }-16T12:54:35.888Z [INFO] [ <2-_l41I0Y>] RTSP ENDPOINT SOCKET CLOSED {} 2023-07-16T12:54:35.888Z [INFO] [ <2-_l41I0Y>] RTSP ENDPOINT SOCKET CLOSED [ <2-_l41I0Y>] 2023-07