Request for new resolution [COMPLETE]
I have a doorbell IP cam with a resolution of 1536x2048. Could you please add support for it? It like QXGA turned 90 degrees.
@rafale said in Request for new resolution:
Resolution 1536x2048 (3:4) as been added and is available now.
Thanks, Robert
Thank you!
Unfortunately it is still not working in spite of the RSTP stream working fine on VLC. It is a EZWIZ/Hikvision/RCA/Laview doorbell. VLC shows it uses H264 and AAC codecs. It runs the stream with UDP. Could UDP instead of TCP be potenttially be the problem?
If its the same as this doorbell camera platform, then there is another issue with it that we are still working on. is other data embedded in the RTP stream and we are working on a process to strip out invalid RTP packets/data.
Thanks, Robert
Yes it is the same platform indeed. Thanks for the quick answer.