How to get full screen on the show 2? [SOLVED]
Hi there, set in the settings the show 2 resolution but it still only comes up as a box not full screen, is there a way around this or not really? :)
Thank you
The display of the camera stream is entirely based on the resolution output from the camera. So if you are getting a letterbox view with black bars on both sides you might need to change your camera’s resolution to a different aspect ratio to better fill the screen. Neither Monocle or Alexa do anything to alter the aspect ratio of the configured camera resolution.
Thanks, Robert
@Monocle Had a feeling but just wanted to make sure, I’ll have a play around with it, thank you for the fast response! :)
Minor clarification … change the resolution settings on the camera itself, then update the camera’s resolution settings in the Monocle web portal. Changing the camera’s resolution settings in the Monocle web portal alone has no affect on the actual stream.
Thanks, Robert
@Monocle Got you! thank you for the clarafaction, would have still been baffled. You’re a star!