Displaying multiple UniFi Cameras on Alexa Fire TV Cube [SOLVED]
I am able to view one cam on my Alexa using Monocle Gateway Service, but not able to get the other one to show.
This is what my gateway shows:
------------------------------------------------- INITIALIZE RTSP STREAM: Front Yard ------------------------------------------------- - NAME : Front Yard - LABEL : PRIMARY - URL : rtsp:// - UUID : STREAM:8462005c-5793-4fe8-9f8f-92a265a0a70c - SESS : 3829c38a-4ae5-4cfe-ae1e-8a08c24039d5 - MODIF : Sun Sep 29 2019 22:28:14 GMT-0500 (Daylight Time) - TAGS : @tunnel
The back camera which I do have setup in my account does not show.
Any help would be great.
Thank you
This is now working. I forgot to have Alexa discover the back cam -