Triggered launch Cam
Re: Alexa Skill Features
I need this Feature too.
It will be helpful that a cam will launched wen a motion is from dem cam detected, or the launch will be triggered from an routine. -
Hmm. That would be cool, and it looks like the Smart Home API would support it.
“You can provide proactive state updates to Alexa in event messages. Alexa can then provide this information in the Alexa app and enable customers to take action, if needed. For example, if a door unlocks, you can send this change report to Alexa and the change appears in your customer’s Alexa app.”
So, it should at least be possible to pop a notification of the motion event, tipping you to say “Alexa, show the driveway” or whatever. Didn’t dig far enough to see if it could actually start the cam feed on the display.
Hello mudgen,
thx for the quick answer and a happy new year!
I would like to eliminate the human part in this routine.
My reason is that the delay from saying “Alexa, show …” to launch the feed is about 13 seconds.
So the seconds from the notification and my own reactiontime comes on top. ;-)
If it’s possible to trigger this directly with an proactive event it will be perfect and decrease the needed time to see the relevant feed extreme.At this time alexa say that camera is not supported to be triggered. :-(
I think it’s more likely that the monocle skill will become the signiture that it can be triggered with the routine.What do you think?
I’m off target and realize I’m not directly answering the OP but just offering options. I run a BlueIris server and Hubitat. BI supports triggers and a a 3rd Party Hubitat developer was kind enough to write a tool that accomplishes this goal - for anyone interested : -
also - take a look here : -
I think the needed functionality can be provided by implementing the api
and Alexa.RTCSessionController: hope it will be realized. :hand_with_index_and_middle_fingers_crossed:
@jshimota: I’m using “fhem” for home automation and generating a proactive trigger for alexaroutine. ;-) Tanks for the note.
I have just got this up and running with Blueiris triggers and is working well, i use Voice Monkey, free to use and gives you virtual buttons, so in the trigger alerts in BI i send the VM url to Alexa, setup a routine and boom, my camera shows up, works well actually.
I am sure any device camera so long as it can send a url would work.