@julman64 Take a screen cap of both VLC strings that are working. is the only difference the IP address?
Regarding port forwards, I’ve never seen any commenter working on this problem discuss the need to do that. I didn’t need any changes, but I also do have uPNP set to on if that helps or matters.
At this point, you could attempt to enable a local gateway. It is possible your version of OS on the Alexa is newer and requires the TLS/SSL workaround the gateway provides.
The instructions on setup of a local gateway are located within these pages. I run completely without a gateway and have for a long time - but I’m using a BlueIris server which gives a consistency and simplifies things tremendously for me. Originally when I first setup (now years back) I did try the gateway as I was trying to go direct to the camera feeds and struggled. Once BlueIris added Amazon support I switched to using a BI stream and all my problems dissolved and the gateway was no longer needed in my environment.
One last thing, just to vocalize it in case it helps others, be sure you have the Amazon ‘Monocle’ skill linked. While helping someone else recently it was found that person was completely unaware it was needed! I noticed you said you linked the skill - but maybe a double check?
Speaking of Amazon - I will say this: Once a device is described in the Monoclecam Web, that device can be adjusted - as long as the NAME of the device is not changed. Be sure to ‘remove’ discovered devices and do the ‘discover’ on alexa to be certain the right device(s) are added at the Alexa devices list.
If you get this far and things still aren’t working and you begin to tinker with the local Monocle gateway - there are many options there to review and it is more complex; too much for me to discuss the little I know!. There are great instructions about how to check it’s use here within this forums and documentation. In the end, noting the similarity of the specs of your cameras, I think this is a simple IP problem IMHO.