@brianhb You likely need a dedicated IP for the gateway instance.
Here my build script which creates a dedicated macvlan for the container, thereby giving a dedicated IP to the monocle gateway.
docker network ls --format "{{.Name}}" | grep -q ip_10_0_0_0 || docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 ip_10_0_0_0
docker pull monoclecam/monocle-gateway:latest
docker stop monocle
docker rm monocle
docker run -d --name monocle --net ip_10_0_0_0 --ip= --log-opt max-size=10m --log-opt max-file=5 -e PUID=1002 -e PGID=100 -e UMASK=002 --restart always -v monocle:/etc/monocle monoclecam/monocle-gateway:latest
docker logs monocle --since 1s -f
Be sure to edit the subnet / name to reflect the IP subnet on your network (in my case ips are on 10.0.0.x subnet).
DHCP on the macvlan doesn’t work, so be sure to assign a static IP to the container (in my case I’ve assigned, be sure to change it to yours.
Remember that you’ll have to edit the monocle config file once it’s initially setup, so you’ll want to map /etc/monocle to somewhere accessible to you, otherwise lookup where monocle volume is created, and SSH into the docker host to edit the file there.
Good luck, let me know if you have any issues / questions.